Dragon Plastics Rotomoulding b.v.

This website uses cookies that remember your preferences and make navigating Dragon Plastics easier. These cookies allow us to analyze visitor behavior and improve our website. Cookies are also placed by third parties such as Google Analytics for the purpose of data collection for improving the Dragon Plastics website. Below you can read more about what cookies are and which cookies we use.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files. These small text files remember your surfing behavior and this is stored on your computer. You can find cookies in the temporary internet files folder. Your browser checks during your visit to a website whether these files are there and if so what your settings are.

Cookies give Dragon Plastics insight into how you use our website. This allows us to improve our site and ensure that you see more relevant information. We also use cookies for marketing purposes.

We may use the cookies we collect for the following purposes:

  • Analytical purposes: To analyze and improve the use of the Dragon Plastics website.
  • Social media purposes: To share information that connects to you through various social media channels.
  • Promotional purposes: To provide offers outside the Dragon Plastics website (dragonplastics.nl) that are relevant. The offers are consistent with Dragon Plasticsservices and are personalized based on your behavior on our website such as pages viewed.

When cookies are turned off, the experience and performance of the Dragon Plastics website may be degraded.

What cookies does dragonplastics.nl use?

At Dragon Plastics, we use the following cookies:

Necessary / functional cookies

NamePlaced byExpires afterWhat purpose
jugoo_gdpr_noticedragonplastics.nl6 monthsDetermines if the cookiebox starts visible on page load.
jugoo_gdpr_functionaldragonplastics.nl6 monthsFunctional cookies to remember data entered.
jugoo_gdpr_performancedragonplastics.nl6 monthsPerformance cookies, analytical cookies.
jugoo_gdpr_marketingdragonplastics.nl6 monthsMarketing cookies like facebook pixel.
cookie_noticedragonplastics.nl1 yearStores the user'scookie status for the current domain.
ci_sessiondragonplastics.nlSession TerminationTracks user statuses about page visits.
hide_notificationdragonplastics.nl6 hoursEnsures that the notification is not visible after clicking away.
PHPSESSIDdragonplastics.nlSession TerminationKeeps track of user statuses during current session.

Analytische cookies

NaamGeplaatst doorVerloopt naDoeleinde
_gaGoogle Analytics2 jaarRegistreert een uniek ID die wordt gebruikt om statistische gegevens te genereren over hoe de bezoeker de website gebruikt.
_gidGoogle Analytics24 uurRegistreert een uniek ID die wordt gebruikt om statistische gegevens te genereren over hoe de bezoeker de website gebruikt.
_gatGoogle Analytics1 minuutGebruikt door Google Analytics om verzoeksnelheid te vertragen.
_hjiddragonplastics.nl1 jaarOm de gebruiksvriendelijkheid van onze website te verbeteren. Ook wordt het mogelijk fouten in de site te ontdekken.
_hjRecordingEnableddragonplastics.nlBeëindiging sessieWordt gebruikt om de navigatie van bezoekers bij te houden om zo de website te kunnen optimaliseren.
_hjIncludedInSampledragonplastics.nlBeëindiging sessieBepaalt of de navigatie van de gebruiker moet worden geregistreerd in een bepaalde tijdelijke statistische aanduiding.
_hjRecordingLastActivitydragonplastics.nlBeëindiging sessieWordt geüpdatet wanneer een bezoekersregistratie start en wanneer er gegevens via de WebSocket worden verzonden (de bezoeker voert een actie uit die Hotjar opneemt).
_hjAbsoluteSessionInProgressdragonplastics.nl30 minutenWordt gebruikt om de eerste paginaweergave sessie van een gebruiker te detecteren.
_hjFirstSeendragonplastics.nlBeëindiging sessieOm de eerste sessie van een nieuwe gebruiker te identificeren.

Marketing cookies

NamePlaced byExpires afterWhat purpose
_fbpFacebook3 monthsSave user data and track the user across different sites.
_fbcFacebook2 yearsSave last visit after clicking on an ad
frFacebook3 monthsUsed by Facebook to deliver a range of advertising products, such as real-time bidding from third party advertisers.
NIDGoogle Analytics6 monthsRegisters a unique ID that identifies a returning user's device. The ID is used for targeted advertising.
ads/ga-audiencesGoogle AnalyticsSession TerminationUsed by Google Ads to re-engage visitors who can convert to customers based on the visitor's online behavior on different website. Read more how Google uses information from sites or apps that use our services.
collectGoogle AnalyticsSession TerminationUsed to send data to Google Analytics about the device and visitor behavior. Tracks the visitor across devices and marketing channels.

Deleting and rejecting cookies

Through the browser settings of your browser you can delete already placed cookies. You can also refuse the placement of new cookies here. The way you need to do this varies per browser. If necessary, you can consult the help function of your browser. Disabling cookies has consequences for the computer and browser you set it on.

Modification Statement

Dragon Plastics reserves the right to make changes to this statement. We recommend that you consult this statement regularly so that you are always aware of its contents. This statement was last modified on 01-11-2024